Check out this beautifully woven "Palm Crucifix" that my dad bought last week in Mexico.
Prayers of Intercession (from sundaysandseasons.com)
As we return to the waters of baptism during this season of Lent, let us pray for the church, those in need, and all of God's creation.
A brief silence.
We pray that the same mind be in your church as was in Christ Jesus; that we continue to bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray that the earth, the seas, the stars, and every living creature bow before you; that all human beings be humble stewards of the world we call home. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray that those with authority show great mercy; that war-weary nations be sustained by your word; that innocent victims not be condemned. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray that you feed the hungry; free the captives; clothe the naked; heal the sick; end torture; and turn our swords into plowshares. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray that all of us, who desert, deny, or betray you, be forgiven; that during this Holy Week ears are opened to the life-giving story of your death and resurrection. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
Hold us in communion with the faithful witnesses who have gone before us, until that day when we join them at the feast that is to come. God of mercy,We pray that the earth, the seas, the stars, and every living creature bow before you; that all human beings be humble stewards of the world we call home. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray that those with authority show great mercy; that war-weary nations be sustained by your word; that innocent victims not be condemned. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray that you feed the hungry; free the captives; clothe the naked; heal the sick; end torture; and turn our swords into plowshares. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
We pray that all of us, who desert, deny, or betray you, be forgiven; that during this Holy Week ears are opened to the life-giving story of your death and resurrection. God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
hear our prayer.
Into your hands, God of abundant grace, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Into your hands, God of abundant grace, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Great service! It was great to hear the scriptures leading up to Easter.